Thursday, 11 April 2019

Take the safe route by hiring professionals for Tree Removal in Gordon

Is the tree beside your property posing a threat in the rainy or stormy season? Do its branches bang and rub against your house when the wind blows a little too fast? To safeguard your property and anyone on your property, you should get the tree pruned or removed as soon as possible. While you may think of going the DIY (do it yourself) route but the risks involved with it are many. For safe and effective Tree Removal in Gordon you should hire professional tree care services.

In childhood almost everyone has seen cartoons. In cartoons predominantly, whenever a character cut a tree, the tree swayed left and right and inevitably ended up falling down on the character cutting it. While in cartoons this probably happened because of poetic justice, in reality this is possible too but when the person cutting the tree is inexperienced. Professionals in the tree care industry have years of experience on end and are well able to execute the taking down of a tree safely. The process of tree removal is not as simple as seen in cartoons as special preparation needs to be done. Listed below are some precautions that a professional takes before starting cutting the tree.

The first step to do is to clear the radius of the tree. You (the arborist) need to keep in mind that the tree can get swayed and fall in any direction. Irrespective of where you make the cut, precautionary measures must be taken. Make an estimate about the height of the tree and empty out the area surrounding the tree with respect to the estimated height of the tree. You want to add a few feet for leeway as a further precautionary measure so the branches may not fall or get caught up in something else. Once the surrounding area is cleared you need to see if the tree does not have any large branches that may pose a threat. If there are then the tree feller needs to trim them first and then cater to the cutting of the tree.

After the precautionary measures have been taken care of comes the time for making the cut. Standing right in front of the tree you need to gauge the direction in which you want the tree to fall. When done, standing on the opposite side, hit the tree two to three feet from the ground and a 180 degree angle. Keep hitting the spot until you feel like you have made 2/3 of a cut in the width of the trunk of the tree. After that you need to meet the mid-point of the cut by making another cut at a 70 degree angle from the top (from the same side of the tree). When the axe meets the mid-point of both the cuts you need to run as fast as you can in the same direction because the tree is supposed to fall in the opposite direction. However anything, like a gust of wind might influence the fall and have it land in the same spot as you are. This is why running fast is advisable to protect yourself from any potential harm. Tree removal in Gordon is best done by professionals because they take all necessary precautions and get the job done efficiently. 


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