Monday, 27 August 2018

Why You Don't Need To Bother Recycling

It seems that you can't walk down your high street these days or watch television without someone pointing out that you should be recycling, or you should be buying only recycled products to do your part to save the planet. While their arguments may be convincing, do you really need to do something? Is the world going to crumble apart tomorrow because you threw your sandwich wrapper in the normal bin?

The recycling rhetoric has gone too far and this article hopes to highlight some reasons why you can just not bother with recycling anymore and not feel bad about it.

Fraction of a difference

The truth is that if everyone in the world recycled all their cans and plastic bags for the next year, it would make the tiniest fraction of a difference to global warming as a whole. The real culprit, if global warming actually exists, is the emissions from cars and vans and most of all planes. If people who nag you about recycling really want to make a difference, they should stop flying and get the train instead.

New technology

The speed at which our society has adopted and developed new technology is astonishing. Thousands of years pass and then suddenly in the last hundred or so we come up with all kinds of amazing technologies like bionic hearts and rockets. Surely in just a few years there will be something invented which can reverse the effects of global warming, re-grow trees in days and let us blast all our waste into the sun.

Get someone else to do it

If you really hate the whole process of recycling there are plenty of companies out there who can do your recycling for you. Local councils of course provide recycling bins and boxes which are quite convenient. But if filling a box is too much for you look for a company in your area that provides rubbish clearance services. They will come to your home, gut your house of what you don't want and take it away for recycling. They can perform entire house clearance London too if that's what you need.

Global warming a myth

One way you can look at the whole recycling thing is that it is just a con by the government. How do you know if there really is a hole in the ozone layer? Global warming may well just be a natural thing that happens every few hundred years. Why not try to find some proof before you separate another can from your trash.


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