Tuesday 23 January 2018

Use Of Essential Oils For Health And Healing

You must have heard that there are a variety of uses of pure essential oils. Whether you are talking about the beauty benefits or the healthy ones, you can always rely on these oils. Here are a few ways in which these oils can make your life a lot easier:
  • Most of the times when people have respiratory problems, they look for home remedies instead of medicines. If you have issues with your breathing or if you have any other respiratory problems then you can use these essential oils in hot water and inhale them. You can add about 10 drops of oil in water and inhale them to treat headaches, sinus problems and other respiratory issues. However, you should keep in mind that excessive use of these oils can lead to vertigo and other such issues.
  • Another way in which you can use these oils in by mixing them with sesame oil or milk and then use them in a bath. By making use of essential oils in your bath, you can get treated for a number of skin problem, circulatory problems and muscular pains. Moreover, a hot bath using essential oils also helps in releasing your tensions and stress because the aroma that fills the room is soothing and relaxing. Oils like cinnamon oil, oregano oils or thyme oils are especially useful for relaxing you and your body muscles.
  • If you have a physical injury but you don’t want medical attention and want it to heal naturally, then you can take help from the essential oils. You can pour some drops in the hot water and then soak a cloth into the water. Rub it against your bruises and muscle pains and you would get relief. This also helps in breaking down the adhesions and the tensions that have been built up in the muscles and joints.
Another use of these oils is for the massage. You must have noticed that whenever you go for a massage, you instantly start feeling better and more relaxed. This is due to the essential oils they have used during the massage. Most of the oils like jasmine rose and vanilla oils are used for different blend oils.

Effects of essential oils on body:

Essential oils affect your body in many ways. They have so many benefits that you don’t even have thought of. Here are a few ways in which these oils can be beneficial for your health:

  • These oils have powerful effect on your glandular system. This is because the positive affect of these oils is absorbed into the bloodstream and goes from the sinuses to the central glands of the brain that controls most of your behaviour. You can say that these oils play a role in improving your mood, and in improving other neurological factors.
  • When these oils are absorbed in the right quantities, they provide numerous benefits to your skin as well. For example, they help in reducing the dryness on your skin and reduce the skin reactions. You can check on the internet before buying and you would see that every type of oil has the essentials to treat a number of skin problems. You can dilute the oils in water or compress them to gain maximum benefits.

However, if you want to include the use of these oils in your daily life, then you have to make sure that you just use a limited amount of oil and doesn’t use too much of it. Otherwise, you would end up having adverse effects. Also, you should know not to use the oils internally and avoid using them in your eyes
Location: Australia


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